Hi There! Welcome to my Photo Blog.
Thanks for visiting me! This is where you'll see what's currently going on in my world. As a Wedding & Portrait Photographer, I love photographing moments in life that touch us emotionally and keep us reminiscing for years to come. You'll also see all kinds of things that interest me outside photography. So take your shoes off, relax and get to know me as you browse my photo blog. I would love to hear from you so feel free to drop me a comment anytime! If you’d like to see more, check out my website. Thanks again for stopping by and come back soon!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

She told me so

Well that's a weird way to start a blog posting "She told me so"? yep! that's right. My friend Nancy told me so. I can't believe it's taken me this long to post about my fabulous cruise i took in Sept which technically is about 5 days short of being 2 months ago. Nancy cautioned me (to put it lightly) and i quote "and you better not wait a month before I see a blog posting" end quote. My words to her were "girl i won't take that long to post please". I can only laugh when i think back on that conversation because i did exactly what Nancy said i wouldn't do (lol). though i will say this is certainly NOT my M.O. (method of operation) these past few months have been busy! what can i say?

And now in just a few days, I'm off to some place exciting!!! so you see i just can't leave town without posting about my last trip, not to mention the weddings I had the opportunity to shoot!

So Nancy this blog posting goes out to you girl because you were right and i was wrong :) so here comes the blog posting you've been waiting for....


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